Tuesday, August 3, 2021

2021 Retiring and New Girl Scout Badges

GSUSA has just released 28 new badges, retired 13 badges, and changed the design of the Global Action Award badges.

Cookie Business:

Some of the old cookie badges are getting kicked out to make room for new and improved badges.  Thirteen very different badges are out, with thirteen very similar badges coming in.  This could make it easier to combine badges with a multi-level troop since many of the steps are similar, like set a troop goal and budget.

Cookie Business Badges

Retiring Badges:

Digital Leadership Badges

Find out how to stay safe online while using technology to make a difference in the real and digital world.

Math in Nature

Daisies, Brownies, and Juniors have a new series to bring math concepts outside of the classroom and into nature.  I am pretty excited about these, I only wish my troop was younger!

Global Action Awards

The Global Action Awards are no longer dated and instead are Year 1, Year 2, and Year 3 like the Cookie Family Entrepreneur pins.  The requirements each year differ and can be found here.