Saturday, July 20, 2019

New Girl Scout Badges Released July 2019!

This month 42 new Girl Scout badges and a new CSA Journey were released!

All Girl Scout levels have a new Coding series and two "pick your own path" outdoor explorations.  They are all have the same titles but different requirements for each level (total of 30 badges):

Coding for Good Series
Coding Basics, Digital Game Design, App Development

Snow or Climbing Adventure - Pick one of the two paths to earn the badge

Trail Adventure - Pick one of the two paths to earn the badge

Brownie choices:

Trail Running Basics: Girls will go on a three different trail runs. On each run, they will try to increase the time they are running compared to walking. They should aim to be on a trail for 20 minutes each time. 

Roamer: The girls will go on three different types of hikes. They can pick three from this list, or girls can come up with their own ideas:
  • Night hike: Watch the stars, hear the sounds of the night, explore night creatures.
  • Owl hike: Go on an owl prowl using flashlights. 
  • Woods hike: Hike in a forest or woodsy area.
  • Beach hike: Hike on a trail along the ocean or on the sand.
  • Heritage hike: Hike to a historic site in your town and learn about its history.
  • Urban hike: Hike around the city or your community.
  • Snow hike: Hike in snow.
  • Rain hike: Hike after it rains. How does it change the hike?
  • Senses hike: Hike with a buddy with one person blindfolded while the other leads. What do you see, hear, and smell?

Junior Choices:

Trail Running: Girls will train to run on a trail for a distance that challenges them. They'll aim for one mile at a comfortable pace and challenge themselves to go farther than a mile, if they can. 

Day Hiker: Girls will train for and participate in three separate hikes. They'll decide what types of hikes they want to do. It could be a hike to reach a special viewpoint at a national park, a night hike, or a slow hike up trails so they can explore nature. They'll aim for each hike to be at least 3 hours, covering 3-4 miles.

Cadettes, Seniors and Ambassadors have the Cybersecurity series, Space Science, and the Think Like a Programmer Journey previously released to the lower levels.

Basics, Safeguards, Investigator

Space Science (Researcher, Expert, Master)

Think Like a Programmer Journey

All of these new badges have been updated in my badge tracker books!!

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